Results for
Information, Advice & Advocacy
95 results found
ASAP is SAFE’s adult group for those aged 17+ with Asperger syndrome. The group meets monthly to deal with issues particular to adults such as independent living, supported employment and...
Adult Carers
Action for Family Carers
Information support for adult carers includes: -Information on local support and services -Help to access services, devices and equipment to assist you in your caring role -Information on financial and...
Adult Social Care
Essex County Council
If you are finding it difficult to look after yourself and manage everyday tasks then please contact Adult Social Care to discuss your care and support needs. The discussion will...
Advice / Guidance / Advocacy
Personal Assistants for Life Skills (PALS) Ltd
PALS can provide support in negotiating an appropriate care package to facilitate its services. They can also act as advocates for you and your family and attend annual reviews etc....
Advice Line
Farleigh Hospice
The Fairleigh Hospice advice line is for anyone who is affected by life-limiting illness or bereavement and living in mid Essex and any health professional involved with a person affected...
Al-Anon Helpline
Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire
Al-Anon is for anyone affected by someone else’s drinking. Their Helpline is manned by a team of friendly and helpful volunteers who are also members of Al-Anon. They will listen...
Alzheimer's Maldon Cafe
Maldon District Dementia Friendly Community Team
A drop-in session for anyone affected by dementia is held on 1st Thursday of the month at Maldon Library 10.30am-12pm. There are refreshments and information and advice available. Dementia support...
Arthritis Action Resource Centre
Arthritis Action
An online resource centre providing information and advice on a range of topics to support people living with arthritis including work, exercise, treatments, caring for, healthy eating, dressing and winter...
Burnham Community in a Cup
United Reformed Church - Burnham on Crouch
Community in a Cup is a weekly drop-in on Thursdays 2-4pm at Burnham URC. It offers free refreshments, craft activities and social opportunities. Whilst Dengie Food Pantry users can pick...
Cancer Nurses
Cancer Research UK
For free, confidential information on any cancer condition please call Cancer Research UK's nurses. They are available to answer your questions Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Please note that they cannot diagnose or...
Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. It is free, confidential and available any time, day or night by phone...
Community Agents Essex
Essex Wellbeing Service
Community Agents Essex are part of the Essex Wellbeing Service. They provide a free to access services across Essex (excluding Thurrock and Southend) aimed at supporting individuals who are older,...
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