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10 results found
Burnham Community in a Cup
United Reformed Church - Burnham on Crouch
Community in a Cup is a weekly drop-in on Thursdays 2-4pm at Burnham URC. It offers free refreshments, craft activities and social opportunities. Whilst Dengie Food Pantry users can pick...
Children's Day
The Thames Sailing Barge Trust
Thames Barge Sailing Trust are offering a fun education activity based experience aboard either 'Pudge' or 'Centaur' for children aged 5-11 years on Thursdays 11th April, 30th May, 1st and...
Community in a Cup
Maldon United Reformed Church
Community in a Cup is a monthly, drop-in information hub on the last Tuesday of the month 10am-12pm at Maldon URC. Please note that there is no hub in December....
Community Wardrobe
Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service
Pop-up sessions are being held across Maldon District offering pre-loved clothing for 0-16 year olds for local families free of charge. Session information for 2025 to be confirmed No need...
Dementia Friendly Cinema
Maldon District Dementia Friendly Community Team
Dementia friendly cinema are free screenings of specially picked films offered in a relaxed environment for people living with dementia and their families/carers. Screenings are held every couple of months...
Maldon Health Expo
Maldon Community Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Maldon Health Expo - 22/09/2024 11am - 3pm Cholestrol and Glucose Tests Blood Pressure Harvard Fitness Test Anti Stress Massages
Melodies for Memories
Maldon District Dementia Friendly Community Team
A FREE singing group specifically for those with dementia and their carers, held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Maldon URC 2.30-3.30pm. Please note that during June, July...
Online Arthritis Action Groups
Arthritis Action
Arthritis Action hold FREE online groups where people can get together with others living with or caring for those living with arthritis to share tips, tricks, and experiences on how...
Visit Maldon District
Visit Maldon District
A website providing information about things to do in Maldon District including local community events, walks and things to do generally such museums and attractions. Please visit the website to...
Welcome Hub
Maldon and District CVS
A monthly drop-in information hub that takes place at different locations across Maldon District. The 2024 hubs are: - Thursday 26th September 11am-1pm, Goldhanger Village Hall Everyone is welcome to...