Results for
Older peoples services

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79 results found

Adult Social Care

Essex County Council

If you are finding it difficult to look after yourself and manage everyday tasks then please contact Adult Social Care to discuss your care and support needs. The discussion will...

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Advice Line

Farleigh Hospice

The Fairleigh Hospice advice line is for anyone who is affected by life-limiting illness or bereavement and living in mid Essex and any health professional involved with a person affected...

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Alzheimer's Maldon Cafe

Maldon District Dementia Friendly Community Team

A drop-in session for anyone affected by dementia is held on 1st Thursday of the month at Maldon Library 10.30am-12pm. There are refreshments and information and advice available. Dementia support...

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Befriending Service

Age Well East

Befriending is a matched friendship between a client and a trained volunteer. It can be whatever you make it and wish it to be. Age Well East will help facilitate...

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Blackwater U3A

U3A - East of England Region

Blackwater U3A is a learning cooperative of older people no longer in full-time employment, who come together to share educational, creative and leisure activities. They have: - monthly meetings at...

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Burnham Hillside Bowls Club

Burnham Hillside Bowls Club

Burnham Hillside Bowls Club has a mixed membership of bowling and social members. New members are always welcome. They have qualified bowls coaches available for basic instruction and tuition. During...

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Burnham-on-Crouch U3A

U3A - East of England Region

Burnham-on-Crouch U3A is a learning cooperative of older people no longer in full-time employment, who come together to share educational, creative and leisure activities. They have: - monthly meetings at...

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Cafe At St Peters Stitchers

Cafe at St Peters

A knit & natter and warm space group held on Thursdays 10am-12pm at Maldon Methodist Church. Everyone welcome whether you knit, crochet or sew. Includes a cuppa. Click on the...

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Carers Choices offer respite support, care companionship and home help services to enable people to live independently in their own homes. These can include personal care, companionship & support, light...

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Carpet Bowls Club

Tolleshunt D'Arcy Carpet Bowls Club

A carpet bowls session held on Thursdays 7.30-10pm at Tolleshunt D'Arcy Village Hall. New members are welcome. You can either drop-in or telephone for more information. To play please wear...

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Memorial Hall

A weekly social group with activities and refreshments, supported by friendly volunteers. Held on Thursdays 10am-12pm at Memorial Hall, Southminster. No need to book, just drop-in for as long as...

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Chatty Cafe Burnham on Crouch

The Chatty Cafe Scheme

Chatter and Natter tables are where customers can sit if they are happy to talk to other customers. It aims to brighten up people's day by kickstarting conversations, get people...

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