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Self Help / Support Groups

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88 results found

ASAP is SAFE’s adult group for those aged 17+ with Asperger syndrome. The group meets monthly to deal with issues particular to adults such as independent living, supported employment and...

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An open AA meeting at the Friends Quaker Meeting House, Maldon on Thursdays 7-8.30pm. Please drop in or get in touch for more information. Open meetings are open to ALL...

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AA Meeting - Maldon Feelings

Alcoholics Anonymous

An open AA Meeting at West Maldon Community Centre on Fridays 5.15-6.15pm. Please drop in or get in touch for more information. Open AA meetings are open to ALL who...

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AA Meeting - Maldon Keep it Simple

Alcoholics Anonymous

An open AA meeting at the Friends Quaker Meeting House, Maldon on Mondays 8-9.30pm. Please drop in or get in touch for more information. Open meetings are open to ALL...

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An open AA meeting at the Friends Quaker Meeting House, Maldon on Tuesdays 1-2pm. Please drop in or get in touch for more information. Open meetings are open to ALL...

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An open AA meeting at Althorne Village Hall on Fridays 4-5.30pm. Please drop in or get in touch for more information. Open AA meetings are open to ALL who may...

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AA Meeting - Tollesbury

Alcoholics Anonymous

An open AA meeting at Tollesbury Congregational Church on Tuesdays 7.30-8.30pm. Please drop in or get in touch for more information. An open AA meeting is open to ALL who...

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AA Meeting - Tollesbury Morning

Alcoholics Anonymous

An open AA meeting at Tollesbury Congregational Church on Sundays 8.30-9.30am. Please drop in or get in touch for more information. An open AA meeting is open to ALL who...

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Al-Anon Family Groups

Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire

Al-Anon offer both face-to-face and virtual family groups across Mid Essex. The groups are for anyone affected by someone else's drinking. You will be welcomed at the groups with acceptance...

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Al-Anon Helpline

Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire

Al-Anon is for anyone affected by someone else’s drinking. Their Helpline is manned by a team of friendly and helpful volunteers who are also members of Al-Anon. They will listen...

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Alpha Sigma Delta is a group that enables girls with autism and their parents to come together on a regular basis to make friends and form lasting relationships in a...

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Alzheimer's Maldon Cafe

Maldon District Dementia Friendly Community Team

A drop-in session for anyone affected by dementia is held on 1st Thursday of the month at Maldon Library 10.30am-12pm. There are refreshments and information and advice available. Dementia support...

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