Results for
Dementia & Dementia Friendly Services

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21 results found

Adult Social Care

Essex County Council

If you are finding it difficult to look after yourself and manage everyday tasks then please contact Adult Social Care to discuss your care and support needs. The discussion will...

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Alzheimer's Maldon Cafe

Maldon District Dementia Friendly Community Team

A drop-in session for anyone affected by dementia is held on 1st Thursday of the month at Maldon Library 10.30am-12pm. There are refreshments and information and advice available. Dementia support...

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Befriending Service

Age Well East

Befriending is a matched friendship between a client and a trained volunteer. It can be whatever you make it and wish it to be. Age Well East will help facilitate...

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Blue Flower Craft Group

Maldon District Dementia Friendly Community Team

Maldon District Dementia Community Team will be running the Blue Flower Craft Group on the 4th week of every month at 12:30-2pm. This is a group for those with Dementia...

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Carers Choices offer respite support, care companionship and home help services to enable people to live independently in their own homes. These can include personal care, companionship & support, light...

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Dementia Connect

Alzheimers' Society

An online and telephone support service providing information and advice on local support and activities for people with dementia and their carers. To go to their online Dementia Directory please...

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Dementia Friendly Cinema

Maldon District Dementia Friendly Community Team

Dementia friendly cinema are free screenings of specially picked films offered in a relaxed environment for people living with dementia and their families/carers. Screenings are held every couple of months...

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Dementia intensive Support Service (DISS)

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

Dementia Intensive Support Service (DISS) provides joined-up mental health and physical health support for people living with dementia or suspected dementia in mid Essex. The service offers: - Rapid support...

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A FREE online training session for friends and families supporting someone with dementia. This session examines why people with dementia and their supporters sometimes have difficulty finding the motivation to...

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A FREE online training session for friends and families supporting someone with dementia. The session enables you to understand dementia better and think differently about the condition to take a...

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Dengie D'Caf Dementia Support Group

The Dengie D-Caf Dementia Support Group

The Dengie D-Caf supports anyone living with dementia or memory loss, their carers, family and friends living on the Dengie peninsula in Essex. If you or one of your loved...

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Remap makes or adapts equipment for people with disabilities - provided that what is made/ adapted is not already available commercially. They undertake a home visit to the person requiring...

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